This Shabbat at OVS - November 29, 2024 - Special Kiddush
11/29/2024 08:04:11 AM
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This Shabbat
Special Kidush Tomorrow Morning Kiddush Lunch is sponsored by Richard Benator and Linda Prieto for the Meldado of Sylvia Levy Benator
Candlelighting time on November 29 is 5:10 pm.
Join Rabbi Hearshen & OVS Friends
SAVE THE DATES - OVS will lead Hanukkah candlelighting at
Town Brookhaven on Sunday, December 29 and Wednesday, January 1.
Special Offer on Kosher Wine Each purchase benefits OVS
Click here to buy great Israeli wine from Access Black Friday specials and order now for Hanukkah, New Year's Eve & more.
OVS will receive a 5% donation on each purchase made when you click the link above.
If you already made a purchase, go to and enter our organization code (4106356) for OVS to receive the 5% donation.
Shabbat Aharon Borukhov Esther Franco Gordon
Sunday Megan Arogeti Nathan Parker
Monday Jeffrey Wasileski
Tuesday Chaim A. Avneri
Wednesday Ezra Kaplan
Thursday Joni Mitchell
Friday Marissa Rubin Rica Pieniek
ANNIVERSARIES Sunday Karla and Angel Pupo
Wednesday Geoffrey and Leah Gross
Shabbat Lillian Snyder Leon Cohen Nace Cadranel Sunday Mazaltov Benbenisty Joan Fox Bruce Cohen
Shabbat Together Shabbat, Apr 12th 10:30a to 11:30a Join us for our new Kavanagh Minyan & Children's Services the second Saturday each month. Following these services, we'll join the group in the Sanctuary for Rabbi Hearshen's sermon followed by Kiddush lunch.
It’s as easy as:
Inviting your friends and family for Shabbat Dinner, Taking a few photos, Sharing the photos with OVS & One Table And... Receiving a stipend for each person at your dinner.
Passover Picnic & a Walk in the Park Tuesday, Apr 15th 11:30a to 1:00p Bring your own picnic lunch and catch up your OVS friends. Join us for a walk along the boardwalk after we eat.
Exact location will be emailed prior to the picnic. Free of charge.
Building Blocks Sunday School 2025-2026 Sunday, Aug 17th 9:00a to 12:00p Building Blocks Sunday School at Congregation Or VeShalom is for children ages 2 - 12. Areas of focus include prayer, Jewish holidays, Jewish values, modern Hebrew, Hebrew reading, Israel, and Sephardic Jewish culture.