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Shabbat Zachor

03/06/2025 02:38:41 PM


Rabbi Hearshen

I’m on a plane flying back to Atlanta from NYC. I was blessed to spend the past four days learning with colleagues at the Hadar Rabbinic Intensive Yeshivah. The learning was deep and incredible. I look forward to telling you about the classes I took and the learning I did, but for now, I want to stay focused on the weekly פרשה/parsha/portion, or more importantly, the special שבת/Shabbat, שבת זכור/Shabbat Zachor.


February 27, 2025

02/27/2025 01:57:05 PM


Rabbi Hearshen

Tonight is the beginning of the month of אדר/Adar. It is written in the תלמוד/Talmud: משנכנס אדר מרבין בשמחה/When the month of Adar begins we increase our joy. (תענית כ''ט.א/Ta’anit 29a) This comment comes as a comparison to a similar statement about another month: משנכנס אב ממעטין בשמחה/When the month of Av begins we lessen our joy. (ibid) That’s to say the rabbis understood, all the...Read more...

February 20, 2025

02/20/2025 01:55:43 PM


Rabbi Hearshen

The world is founded on certain principles. Some of them are scientific laws of nature and others are fundamental values all of humanity needs to live by. We expect that, in the end, the good will prevail and the evil will fall. We expect when people do good, the world is made better, and when people do bad, the world is made worse and that those who did the bad will suffer. Unfortunately, the world doesn’t work like a well scripted movie....Read more...

February 13, 2025

02/13/2025 01:19:15 PM


Rabbi Hearshen

Life can feel so hard sometimes. There are moments in the day when we’ve just had enough and really want to take a break from everything around us. At the same time, there are days where we’re coasting and feeling all of the greatness of the world we live in. These days fuel us and help us to see the beauty of life. These two polarities exist side by side. We can feel blessed and cursed. We can feel at ease and burdened. We can feel both...Read more...

Parshat BeShalach

02/06/2025 10:04:06 AM


Rabbi Hearshen

“Great warrior. Hmmm. Wars not make one great.” (Master Yoda) These words spoken in The Empire Strikes Back sum up the feelings of Yoda and what wars are about. They are not about making a name for oneself. Wars are not fought out of choice. Wars are not good. Wars are a necessary evil in the world because we have yet to figure out how to solve problems without violence. Wars continue to exist because we, as a species, want power and that...Read more...

Thu, March 6 2025 6 Adar 5785